16 Sep

Why You Should Not Trap Squirrels Yourself

black squirrel

Trapping wildlife is often hailed as a simple, effective and humane removal method but this is most times far from the truth. Most squirrel removal experts rely on alternatives such as humane evictions and very rarely trap animals. Trapping is typically a last resort when there is no alternative and even then, the expert institutes measures to do it safely and humanely. There are many reasons why you shouldn’t trap wildlife yourself including; Read More

14 Sep

Why Grey and Black Squirrels Dominate Red Squirrels

why grey and black squirrels dominate red squirrels

Many people are not aware that the grey and black squirrels are in fact the exact same species of animal. The only difference is a genetic defect in black squirrels.

The grey squirrel, despite its name, isn’t actually grey but a combination of black, white and orange stripes. The animal has hormones in its pigment gene that regulate the development of the different colours as the animal grows. The squirrel starts off as black and a hormone stops the black fur from growing while another hormone switches on white and orange stripes. A genetic defect stops the black squirrel from developing the additional colours so that the animal has black fur throughout its life.

Black and grey squirrels interact freely and mate with each other and can be lumped in the same category when exploring their dominance over the red squirrel in Canada. Read More

10 Sep

What Do Squirrels Eat?

wildlife shield squirrel removal

Squirrels have a very flexible diet and will eat almost anything you can think of. Their versatile eating habits have ensured their survival in the wild and in Canadian cities and urban areas. Although there are 22 different types of squirrel species in the country, there is a little distinction in terms of the food they eat. Read More

08 Sep

Squirrel Nest in Chimney – What to Do


You may have heard scratching, fighting and chattering in your chimney or smelled the pungent odour of squirrel droppings. Squirrel in the chimney in Toronto is actually fairly common. The chimney looks a lot like a hollow tree so the critter will naturally want to nest in it. Some fall in by accident and can’t climb out especially if the tube flue is made from slick metal. Whatever the case, you need to remove the squirrels as soon as possible. Read More

30 Aug

When is Squirrel Mating Season?

squirrel on the roof

Squirrel mating season in Canada may vary from squirrel species to species but generally speaking, squirrels mate twice a year; from December to February and once again from June to August. The gestation period of the average squirrel is 45 days when the animal gives birth to a litter of between 3 and 8 baby squirrels. The younglings are born deaf, blind and naked (without fur).

Multiple males will attempt to mate with a single female. The males attempt to get the female’s attention by loud chattering and slapping tree barks to show dominance. A female is receptive for less than a day and her pheromones can attract males up to a half kilometre away. The female chooses the most dominant male to mate with. It is not uncommon for the female to mate with multiple males. Read More

24 Aug

Why Are There So Many Black Squirrels in Toronto

Why Are There So Many Black Squirrels in Toronto

Black squirrels are actually the Eastern Grey Squirrel. The difference in colour comes from a genetic anomaly that prevents their fur from turning grey. Most people agree that black squirrels seem to be dominating the wildlife scene in Toronto. Scientists theorize a few reasons why this might be the case although it is difficult to say conclusively why there are so many black squirrels in Toronto compared to their grey counterparts.   Read More

22 Aug

What Predators Squirrels Have in Toronto

What Predators Squirrels Have in Toronto

Squirrels are cute, furry animals and it is difficult to imagine anyone wanting to eat them. Unfortunately, wild animals don’t follow the same rationale while hunting food so the squirrels have many natural predators in the wild including weasels, coyotes, foxes, wildcats and snakes.

Granted that squirrels have fewer predators in Toronto but the rodents still don’t relinquish their position on the food chain. Common squirrel predators in Toronto include: Read More

14 Aug

Is it Possible to Protect Wires from Squirrels?

red squirrel

Squirrels cause great damage to property but the most pressing concern is their habit of chewing through electrical wires. Exposed wires are a serious fire hazard, expose your children and pets to electrocution and may cause a blackout or short-circuit your electric.

Squirrels chew through wire insulation manly to sharpen their teeth, make the teeth stronger or to control the teeth’s growth-rate. Like most rodents, squirrel teeth grow quickly and out of control. The animal has to gnaw constantly to reduce the growth and to ‘trim’ the teeth. Read More

06 Aug

How to Seal off My Attic So Squirrels Can’t Access It

squirrel building a nest in the attic

Squirrel noises in the attic during all hours of the day and sometimes at night can be unsettling. These furry creatures also tear up insulation, chew on wires and support beams and wreak untold damage to your house. Squirrel feces and urine are also a health concern and may carry disease-causing organisms including leptospirosis and salmonella.

Begin your task outside by trimming tree branches so that the nearest is about six to eight feet from the house. You may need to relocate any fixtures within close proximity to the house that the squirrels can use to launch on to the roof. Read More

04 Aug

How to Manage Squirrels around Your House


Squirrel numbers in Toronto are on the rise and you might have seen the little critters scurrying across a telephone line or launching from a tree branch in your area. Squirrels around your home don’t have to be a problem if you can keep them out of your yard and from getting into the house. Fortunately, there are a few effective measures that ensure the squirrels in your vicinity aren’t a nuisance to you and your pets. Read More